Our environmental practices, community and local commitments

Cork recycling
Since 2004, 18 tonnes of corks from production and tastings have been collected for reuse by insulating.
Lighter bottles
Since 2010, Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte has been working on its lighter glass bottles to reduce the impact of pollution during transport and to preserve our environment.
Each bottle has gone from an empty weight of 900g to 835g, thus avoiding 650 tons of glass each year!!

Women and men united

The Centre Vinicole - Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte (CV-CNF) has calculated the equality index between women and men and obtained a score of 86/100 in 2020.
We will continue working towards improving this rating next year.
Aid for young winegrowers

Nicolas Feuillatte offers financial aid for young winegrowers who are members.
Food collections

Since 2009, Nicolas Feuillatte has collected 7 tons of food from its employees for the La Marne Food Bank.
Charity dinners

A charity dinner has been held every year since 2012 to raise funds. Over the course of 8 years, €164,550 of donations have been given to the La Marne food bank.
Action for the Association des Paralysés de France

Collection and distributing of work clothes by the Association des Paralysés de France (French Handicap Association).
Demand at its highest level
Our certifications
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards in quality management, environmental management and food safety. This is why we are committed to renewing the international certifications that guarantee this whenever possible.

ISO 9001 certification since 2002
ISO 9001 - 2015 certification obtained and renewed by the Centre Vinicole Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte since 2002, is testimony to our quality management policy and our measure of efficiency with regard to the criteria of the standard. In particular, it allows us to regularly question ourselves on the processes of elaboration, storage and vinification of our cuvées, and to constantly improve them.
ISO 14001 certification since 2000
The ISO 14001 standard supports the environmental management operated on a daily basis at the Centre Vinicole Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte.

ISO 22000 certification since 2007
The ISO 22000 standard renewed since 2007 at the Centre Vinicole Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte testifies to our management of food safety. We are committed to continuously improving our processes and ensuring the safety of our products and services.
FSSC 22000 certification since 2012
FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) guarantees the performance of our Food Safety Management System.